Whether gender reassignment is correct and sensible, it can only be decided in individual cases with appropriate therapeutic and medical support. From childhood onwards, people with trans-identity problems do not feel “at home” in their bodies and the given gender. The reasons for this are still unknown. Hormonal influences in the womb, as well as psychological causes, are suspected – or a combination of both.
The desire to belong to the opposite sex can also be felt later in adulthood. If he is ignored or “overplayed” for the sake of the social environment, this can lead to mental disorders, psychosomatic illnesses and a high level of suffering.
Constant filling of the desired gender role over a longer period of time and long-term psychotherapy enable an official change of civil status and first name. This step can be carried out independently of an operative gender adjustment. Many patients, therefore, refrain from radical, irreversible, operative sex adjustment, which has far-reaching consequences: female infertility, lifelong hormone intake and increased risk of illness. The expectations of the new gender role are often disappointed. Conversely, modern medicine offers a wide range of options for convincing gender reassignment and with reasonably low risk.
When Is Gender Adaptation An Option
There is a good reason why long-term open therapy is in front of a comprehensive sex change (geschlechtsangleichung which is the term in German). Some change requests are based solely on sexual orientation. On the other hand, anyone who does not manage to fulfil the biologically predetermined role or can only do so with great suffering should seek advice. The first step is to recommend psychotherapy with the aim of a reliable diagnosis.
A characteristic of many transgender people is the very early and persistent appearance of the change request, often already in childhood. If you allow them to act out the desired role, they effortlessly do so over a long period of time. Often, previously observed behavioural and psychological problems go back.