Emergency medicine is the medical specialty like Dr Michael Hilton that provides urgent and critically important care to people with acute illness or injury as first responders. It is concerned with the study and practice of clinical medicine in its immediate or initial phase, including the immediate assessment, treatment and patient management by physicians, paramedics and other emergency health providers.
EM is the medical specialty that manages and treats patients with acute illnesses and traumatic injuries. Its physicians and providers are called on 24/7 to handle urgent medical problems, including trauma care and intensive care for those in need of immediate lifesaving care, treatment of heart attacks, strokes, asthma attacks and other chronic conditions, as well as more routine injuries and illnesses.
Emergency medicine is the medical specialty that cares for patients requiring immediate medical attention. These could be people injured in a car wreck, heart attack victims or someone with the flu. Doctors like Michael Hilton, MD receive special training to handle these situations and then it’s up to them to assess those who arrive.
Performing Efficiently During Emergency Situations
Emergency medicine is a fast-moving field, and they’re constantly updating their educational resources to ensure they reflect the latest practices and technologies. Standards of practice guide emergency medicine education are issued by the Association of American Medical Colleges for educators and learners (students, residents and practicing physicians alike) and health care providers.
EM is the specialty of medicine that treats emergency medical conditions. It is a specialty of medicine that provides immediate care before, during and after any type of emergency. It is a medical specialty dealing with acute life-threatening conditions. These conditions include trauma, cardiac arrest, various respiratory problems, bleeding and poisoning involving new medications. It is a subspecialty of internal medicine focused on the evaluation and treatment of acute illness and injury. Emergency medicine physicians treat a wide range of illnesses and injuries, from common problems such as fractures or sprains, to life-threatening situations like heart attacks or serious trauma.
EM (also known as acute care medicine, accident and emergency medicine, and urgent care medicine) is the immediate treatment of illnesses and injuries. It is distinguished from urgent care, which typically deals with walk-in patients or those who call ahead of time rather than having an urgent need to see a doctor.
Performing their Best Even Under Pressure
Emergency Medicine is an exciting and fast-paced specialty that continually tests your knowledge as you work to save lives. You will care for patients in a variety of settings, including the emergency room, intensive care unit and operating room. EM is a medical specialty that deals with acute medical conditions as well as trauma, often in the prehospital setting.
It is a division of emergency health care that deals with the immediate stabilization and treatment of ill or injured persons. Emergency medicine is a subspecialty of internal medicine, focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of acutely ill patients. Physicians who practice emergency medicine can often be found working in the field with paramedics or fire crews, or even by air or sea as part of a medical evacuation team.