While maintaining the overall gum health of a person, we often forget to take care of our gums. Gum health is equally important as our dental health and therefore, we must take care of our gum health effectively. If we ignore our gum health, then it might cause some serious problems by leading to bacteria, tooth decay, and ultimately tooth loss. It is very important for us to understand gum health because gum health is the base for overall dental health.
Bleeding gums is considered one of the significant gum problems which we cannot ignore. While treating the bleeding gums, it is important for us to understand the exact causes of the bleeding issue so that we can solve it through its cause. So, in this article, we will discuss some of the important causes of bleeding gums in Salt Lake City. If you want to know more about the bleeding gums issue, then you can consult a Salt Lake City family dentist who will help you ensure that you are informed about the causes and also the solution to treat the bleeding gums.
What are the Different Types of Causes for Bleeding Gums?
Bleeding gums can be caused due to various reasons and some of the common reasons for such issues are discussed below.
It is the first stage of periodontitis disease and thus when it starts, it brings bleeding gums with it. This disease is an accumulation of harmful plaque which is built on the gum line. When your gums are not clean, it increases the sensitivity issue in the gums and causes other problems such as bleeding gums. In this case, it is important to maintain proper oral hygiene, so that you can have healthy gums and you can save yourself from any bleeding issues.
Sliding of Dentures
A denture is a solution to treat lost tooth problems, but when the dentures do not fit properly, then it can lead to sliding problems. It causes irritation and discomfort to people and when the problem persists for a long period, then it can also lead to bleeding gums issues. Therefore, it is important for us to consult our dentist to fix the dentures properly.
New Flossing Routine
If you are not habituated to flossing your teeth regularly, then in this case too, you can face the bleeding gums problem. It is because when you are new to flossing you might not have a grip over the floss and it might lead to cuts and bleeding problems. Thus, it is advised that you should floss regularly so that you can have a grip on it and you can clean your teeth effectively.
Hormonal Changes and Certain Health Conditions
In some cases, hormonal changes or other health conditions may make your gums weak and vulnerable. However, such a situation is very rare and therefore, you must take care of your dental health effectively and avoid such teeth or gum issues. Some hormonal changes can lead to swollen and bleeding gums and therefore, it affects your immunity level to tackle bacteria that might accumulate on your teeth and gums. When this accumulation increases, it leads to bleeding gums. If there is any hormonal change, then it is highly suggested that you make your immunity strong and deal with the dental issues seriously.
So, these are some of the causes of bleeding gums that can be solved if you take care of your oral health effectively regularly. If the problem persists even after taking care of your dental health then you must consult an expert dentist.