Staying on Top of Dental Appointments in Chelsea NYC: What are the Positive Effects?

A lot of people only schedule dental appointments when they deal with an issue. Despite the availability of information regarding the importance of oral hygiene, many people still neglect their oral health. However consistent oral hygiene and regular dental checkups help prevent oral health issues from arising. A General dentist in Chelsea NYC must examine your teeth to detect signs of cavities, plaque, and tartar. By addressing these issues early, you can avoid tooth decay, gum disease, and other problems. Here’s what you can expect when you stay on top of dental appointments:

Avoid Plaque and Tartar Buildup

Your mouth is filled with bacteria, no matter how you care for it. When they mix with proteins and food byproducts, these bacteria can form dental plaque, which can damage the enamel of your teeth. When left unchecked, plaque can harden into tartar, a rough, porous buildup that can damage your gums. Only in-office cleaning can thoroughly get rid of tartar. 

Avoid Tooth Decay

Your tooth can decay when its enamel is broken down by the acids in your saliva. Plaque-causing bacteria produce these acids. When not treated immediately, enamel breakdown can result in a tooth cavity. Over time, this decay can reach the tooth’s pulp or nerve, necessitating a more advanced dental treatment. 

Dental cavities begin small, so detecting them early on your own can be hard. During your dental visits, your dentist will examine your teeth thoroughly to spot cavities before they get worse. This saves you pain and money in the long run. 

Reduce Your Risk of Gum Disease

You get gum disease due to poor oral hygiene. It is characterized by gum inflammation caused by bacteria. When not treated promptly, it can impact your jawbone, which supports your teeth. Gum disease has the following stages:

  • Gingivitis. When not removed properly, plaque produces toxins that can lead to gum tissue inflammation. Such a condition is called gingivitis. This is the stage of gum disease that can still be reversed. 
  • Periodontitis. This condition develops when gingivitis is not treated. Gum disease has impacted the fibers and teeth-supporting bone at this stage. This is irreversible damage; however, further damage can be prevented with proper treatment. 
  • Advanced periodontitis. This happens when the supporting bone and fibers are mostly damaged, causing teeth to loosen or shift. Advanced periodontitis requires aggressive treatment. At this stage, teeth removal may be necessary. 

Maintain Good Breath

Bad breath is mainly caused by Sulfur-producing bacteria that live on your tongue’s surface and in the throat. But it can also result from poor oral hygiene. Tooth decay and gum disease can also contribute to bad breath. However, even minor plaque formation can be a contributing factor as it becomes a medium for bacteria. 

Reduce Your Risk of Tooth Loss

Modern dental practices allow people to keep their adult teeth their whole lives. These days, tooth loss is preventable by addressing the oral health issues that cause them. These issues include gum disease and tooth decay. 

Spot Signs of Oral Cancer

As with any cancer, you have a better chance of recovering from oral cancer when it is diagnosed and treated early. Oral cancer can affect your cheeks, tongue, lips, tongue, soft and hard palate, sinuses, throats, and mouth floor. Your biannual dental visit can include oral cancer screening. This simple examination involves checking for precursor tissue and neck or face changes. Also, your dentist will examine the inside of your mouth to find discoloration or sores. They will ask you about possible risk factors. By attending your dental appointments, your dentist can detect oral cancer in its earliest stage when successful treatment is still possible. 

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